Glittering Angel
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About Me
Imperfect Singaporean
Unpredictable Aries
Social Drinker
Adores the Family
Cherishes Friendship
Enjoys Dancing
Pigs out on Yummy Food
Loves Pretty Necklaces
Fetish for Dresses
Indulges in Ice-Cream
Crazy over Dark Chocolates

Broadway Musicals
Beauty & Health
Latin Dance
Ballroom Dance
Chilling Out

Wish List
Continue with Yoga
Pretty Nails
Daily Skincare Regime

Korea in Apr '08
Cambodia in Jul '08
Bangkok in Dec '08
Hanoi in Apr/May '09
Perth in Sep '09
Bangkok in Dec '09
Europe in May '10
Taipei-Bangkok in Sep '10

My Wedding

R.O.M. on 7 Sep '08
@ Goodwood Park Hotel

Before Solemnisation

March In & Solemnisation

After Solemnisation

Local Wedding PS
on 11 Jun '09

Perth Wedding PS
on 9 - 11 Sep '09

Christmas Wedding
on 25 Dec '09

Day: Gatecrashing
for the Bride

Day: Outdoor
& Tea Ceremony

Night: Reception,
1st & 2nd March-In

Night: Wishes, Farewell,
Group, Guestbook

Recent Rants

Valentine Day 2011

Many "FIRST"s in 2010

Christmas 2010 in Malacca

My Actual Day Wedding Album Layout

Wet Friday

Photographs-Sorting Day

Christmas Wedding on 25 Dec '09 - Night (2)

Christmas Wedding on 25 Dec '09 - Night (1)

Christmas Wedding on 25 Dec '09 - Day (2)

Christmas Wedding on 25 Dec '09 - Day (1)


Mike a.k.a. Killjoy

Travel Entries

Kunming & Bangkok
(5 - 12 November 2005)

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • Day 8

    Ho Chi Minh City
    (22 - 26 December 2006)

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3 (Day)
  • Day 3 (Night)
  • Day 4

    (4 - 8 August 2007)

  • Random
  • Safari World

    (6 - 10 December 2007)

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4

    (15 - 20 July 2008)

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5

    Korea with Jeju
    (4 - 10 April 2008)

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4 (Morning)
  • Day 4 (Afternoon)
  • Day 5
  • Day 6 & 7

    Online Shopping


    August 2005

    September 2005

    October 2005

    November 2005

    December 2005

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    February 2006

    March 2006

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  • Sunday, October 28, 2007

    Partying at Dragonfly

    Saturday, 27 October 2007
    Roy and I went to visit Shirley at her husband-to-be's house together with Florence and Phyllis at noon. After that, Florence mentioned going to Dragonfly and we were all game!

    My boy and I reached Vivo City pretty late and by the time we had our dinner at Sushi Tei, it was about 9pm. We were so famished that we started eating without taking any picture of the food we ordered. :P

    Still all smiles while waiting for my food at Sushi Tei.

    He is trying to smile too!

    As Phyllis was late, we headed for Dragonfly first. Florence was already there with her colleague. Phyllis soon joined us. It was supposed to be Halloween celebration but there ain't many in constumes except the performers at Dragonfly.

    As usual, I was amused at the band and its performance. Honestly, I still prefer a rock band anytime. Oh yah, English rock band please. Oh well, cantopop for a change was not as bad as I thought. We did dance quite a bit though it was freaking crowded.

    3 babes at Dragonfly!

    It is the first time I club with my boy!

    Roy's two friends joined us but they did not dance. In any case, we left about 1.30am as we were all tired. Not before we dropped by Station Kitchen for a drink first though.

    It was a pleasant session and to my surprise, I only had one glass of drink that night. When Roy told Mummy about it, Mummy did not believe and was rattling on, "Phyllis and Florence? I know them... cannot be drink 1 glass only.... don't bluff me!"

    Oh Mummy, I am a good girl now, can't you see? :)
